
We organise and visit decolonial and anti-racist events.

We also collaborate with collectives and organisations in various academic, artistic and political formats.


  • TEACH IN: Germany Must Stop Supporting the Annihilation of Palestinians

    TEACH IN: Germany Must Stop Supporting the Annihilation of Palestinians

    We joined in the TEACH IN: Germany Must Stop Supporting the Annihilation of Palestinians


    Sunday, December 15, 2024, 6:00 PM–7:00 PM (CET)

    This Teach-In brought together signatories of the Open Letter titled "Germany must Stop Supporting the Annihilation of Palestinians," which has been endorsed by over 4500 academics, thinkers, and artists worldwide. The letter condemns the German government's complicity in Israel's genocide against Palestinians and its suppression of criticism toward these actions.

    During the session, we delved into the letter’s content, discussing the implications of Germany’s policies and exploring ways to hold the government accountable for its support of Israeli actions, and the need for justice, adherence to international law, and moral responsibility in shaping German foreign policy.

    The letter is available here: Open Letter.


    Hanna Al-Taher: Political scientist and PhD candidate at the University of Kassel.

    Michael Barenboim: Musician and Professor of the Barenboim-Said Academy.

    Christine Binzel: Professor of Economics at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.

    Hanna Kienzler: Professor of Global Health at King’s College London.

    Nils Riecken: Postdoctoral research fellow at Ruhr University Bochum.

    Hanna Pfeifer: Head of the Research Area Societal Peace and Internal Security at the University of Hamburg

    Benjamin Schütze: Researcher at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies.

    and many other signatories.

    Moderator: Jorge Vega

    Watch it here—>

  • Shifting Paradigms: Epistemic Resistance [decoco] lecture series-> Special Issue: with Sabine Broeck

    The [decoco] lecture series aims to be a forum for academic and critical dialogue, focusing on key aspects and fostering a deeper understanding of the situation.

    This session was on:

    Thursday, 06.06.2024 | 3.00pm-4.30pm (CET) / 2.00pm-3.30pm (GMT)

    We joined Sabine Broeck, renowned German anti-colonial scholar and activist, in a dialogue titled:

    "We Want Everything! Vogliamo Tutto: keeping the horizon of radical anti-imperialism in sight."

    What if we don't start this story with 10/7? What if we wholeheartedly say goodbye to the myth of perfect democracy in Israel? What if we take settler colonialism not as a horror metaphor, but as a description of the fact that the British crown gave away a piece of land that did not belong to it, and that the so-called global community thought that this act would solve the cruel problem of the expulsion of the surviving Jewish people in Europe which German fascism created? What if, given the criminal imperial history of Western (and other) nation states, we could finally say goodbye to the belief in the future viability of the hegemonic, ethnocentric nation? We Want Everything! Vogliamo Tutto.

  • Shifting Paradigms: Epistemic Resistance [decoco] lecture series-> Lecture 7: with Catherine Walsh

    The [decoco] lecture series aims to be a forum for academic and critical dialogue, focusing on key aspects and fostering a deeper understanding of the situation.

    This session was on:

    Friday, 05.04.2024 | 3.00pm-4.30pm (CET) / 2.00pm-3.30pm (GMT)

    We joined Catherine Walsh, key thinker and figure of the decolonial movement worldwide, in a dialogue titled:

    "Global-Colonial (Re)Configurations: From Palestine to Ecuador."

    This talk built on the premise that Israel is a central player in today’s global-colonial (re)configurations, clearly evidenced in Gaza but also, in less visible ways, in Ecuador (an Israeli ally since 1948). With the Ecuadorian state’s declared “War of Internal Armed Conflict” (2024), Israel, along with the US and Germany are now at the lead of security, intelligence, war-tactics, and counter-terrorism, in combating “global criminality” while strengthening global coloniality, and, of course, the “civilization” of the global West.

  • Shifting Paradigms: Epistemic Resistance [decoco] lecture series-> Lecture 6: with Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian [To be re-scheduled]

    The [decoco] lecture series aims to be a forum for academic and critical dialogue, focusing on key aspects and fostering a deeper understanding of the situation.

    This session will be on:


    We will join Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, Palestinian feminist activist and the Chair in Global Law at Queen Mary University of London, in a dialogue titled:

    “Ashla'a: Body Bags, Body Parts, and the Genocide in Gaza”

    to discuss about the colonized body parts and body bags, visible in the state’s excessive violence (wounding, starvation, cutting fuel, displacing, killing, and more), and the scattered flesh of the colonized - referred to as Ashla'a - on Gaza’s soil. The Arabic word Ashla'a, meaning scattered body parts and dismembered flesh, is used as a repeatedly emphasized concept and concern voiced by Gazans. Through theorizing and invoking Ashla'a, an analysis of the colonized perception of its functionality is provided, along with an exploration of the political implications of its brutality.

  • Shifting Paradigms: Epistemic Resistance [decoco] lecture series-> Lecture 5: with Nelson Maldonado-Torres

    The [decoco] lecture series aims to be a forum for academic and critical dialogue, focusing on key aspects and fostering a deeper understanding of the situation.

    This session was on:

    Wednesday, 06.03.2024 | 3.00pm-4.30pm (CET) / 2.00pm-3.30pm (GMT)

    We joined Nelson Maldonado-Torres, key thinker and figure of the decolonial movement worldwide, in a dialogue titled:

    "Beyond ‘Decoloniality Light’: Palestine, the War Against Decolonization, and Combative Decoloniality"

    This dialogue explored the extent to which the genocide in Gaza and the war against decolonization bring forth and help to make evident a demand for a transition from "light" (and largely academic) versions of decoloniality to combative forms of the decolonial that challenge the ethos of (mainly liberal) modern/colonial homo academicus in the globalized modern/colonial education complex.

  • Shifting Paradigms: Epistemic Resistance [decoco] lecture series-> Lecture 4: with Alexander Dunlap

    The [decoco] lecture series aims to be a forum for academic and critical dialogue, focusing on key aspects and fostering a deeper understanding of the situation.

    Our session was on:

    Thursday, 22.02.2024 | 2:00pm-3:30pm (CET)

    We joined Alexander Dunlap, esteemed in global sustainability and development studies, for a provocative dialogue titled:

    "The State is Colonialism: Ecocide, Counterinsurgency & the Colonial Present."

    This session dived into how statism is rooted in colonialism, facing psycho-political challenges and oppression through counter-insurgency technologies. A vital discussion for advancing anti-colonial and decolonial struggle, unraveling the intimate connections between political repression and extractivism.

  • Shifting Paradigms: Epistemic Resistance [decoco] lecture series-> Lecture 3: with Anna Younes & Hanna Al-Taher

    The [decoco] lecture series aims to be a forum for academic & critical dialogue, focusing on key aspects and fostering a deeper understanding of the situation.

    Our third session was on:

    Friday, 16.02.2024 | 2.00pm-4pm (CET) / 1:00pm-3:00pm (GMT)

    We joined Anna Younes & Hanna Al-Taher, both critical scholars, inside and outside German academia, in a dialogue titled:

    "Palestine as a feminist issue: Geopolitics and race in German academia."

    to discuss the figurations of Palestine as an analytical lens through which to trouble wester epistemologies, understandings of history and their applications inside academic structures, and how to understand contemporary erasures of Palestine through this transnational and transhistorical space-race-and-education-nexus.

  • A Critical Examination of the Role of German Academia in the Midst of Genocide: with Professor Norman Finkelstein

    January 25th, 2024 online via ZOOM at 19:00 CET/13:00 EST

    In our discussion with Professor Finkelstein, we delved into the intricate geopolitical dynamics of the ongoing genocide in Gaza. We also examined Germany's support for Israel, its historical connections, highlighted by Germany's opposition to South Africa's position at the International Court of Justice.

    The conversation brought to light the complexities of the situation, the different perceptions and narratives about Hamas, and the prevailing perspectives within Western academic circles regarding the genocidal violence in Gaza.

    This event was co-organized with members of the Student Coalition Berlin.

  • Ilan Pappé

    Shifting Paradigms: Epistemic Resistance [decoco] lecture series-> Lecture 2: with Ilan Pappé

    The [decoco] lecture series aims to be a forum for academic & critical dialogue, focusing on key aspects and fostering a deeper understanding of the situation.

    Our second session was on:

    Thursday, 11.01.2024 | 3.00pm-4.30pm (CET) / 2.00pm-3.30pm (GMT)

    We joined Ilan Pappé, professor of History and the Director of the European Centre for Palestine Studies at the University of Exeter. His lecture, titled:

    “Settler Colonialism & al-Nakba al-Mustamirra (Ongoing Nakba)”

    discussed questions of settler colonialism and the notion of al-Nakba al-Mustamirra in the context of Palestinian history.

  • Shifting Paradigms: Epistemic Resistance [decoco] lecture series-> Lecture 1: with Moshe Zuckermann

    From December 2023 to March 2024

    In our [decoco] lecture series, we convene with esteemed scholars, including Moshe Zuckermann and Catherine Walsh, to analyze and discuss Palestine and Israel.

    The [decoco] lecture series aims to be a forum for academic & critical dialogue, focusing on key aspects and fostering a deeper understanding of the situation.

    Our first session was on:

    Thursday, 21.12.2023 | 3.00pm-4.00pm (CET time)

    We joined Moshe Zuckermann, an Israeli-German sociologist and Emeritus Professor in History and Philosophy of Science at Tel Aviv University. His lecture, titled:

    “The Omnipresent anti-Semitism or the Germans' fear of the past”

    did critically analyze Germany's discourse on anti-Semitism, and address the problematic usage of terms, the unjust persecution and slander of individuals, and instances of non-Jews accusing Jews of anti-Semitism. Additionally, he discussed the importance of an honest assessment of the German-Israeli historical relationship.

    Please feel free watch!

  • KOSMOS Lectures

    Multivocal KOSMOS-Lesung: Climate & Cohesion.

    During this multivocal KOSMOS-Lesung, 14 researchers from IRI THESys (HU Berlin) share what they observed in winter 2022/23: multiple crises across the globe and what this means for our societies and for climate protection. We contributed with a critical entry around the topics of extractivism & dependency, from a decolonial perspective.

  • Decolonial Flânerie vol III

    01.07.22 5:00PM

    We built an artistic performance for the Decolonial Flânerie vol III, Anton Wilhelm Amo & W.E.B. Du Bois: Tracing the silenced history of black scholars in Berlin, organised by the Nachbarschaftsinitiative Anton Wilhelm Amo-Straße (NAWAS).

    In our intervention, we recalled the work of the Chilean revolutionary musician Victor Jara and his intersections with the creation of W.E.B. Du Bois in their quest for peace and justice.

    The audio memory of the event can be visited here.

    A television report of the rbb24 can be seen here.

    Poster by

  • NCRM webinar series Decolonial Research Methods

    26.10.21 - 07.10.21

    Our spokesperson Jorge Vega made a brief contribution to the responses from participants to the NCRM webinar series Decolonial Research Methods: Resisting Coloniality in Academic Knowledge Production.

    The series comprised six webinars, which took place between October and December 2021.

    Here you can find the whole webinar series.

    Here you can visit the NCRM website.

  • THESys Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Decolonizing Academia


    On Friday, June 11th, 2021, the event took place online and explored how coloniality influences knowledge production within academia and what alternatives exist to end the reproduction dynamics of injustice within our own research practices. Two key experts; Dr. Noa K. Ha and Dr Antony Pattathu, highlighted examples from their work to open the dialogue on current challenges and future opportunities.

    Poster by Krystin Unverzagt



